Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Recent VizKID write-up at

I had a very enjoyable conversation with Linda and Chris Gulker at Cafe Borrone, recently. They have an excellent daily/weekly blog covering Menlo Park and Atherton.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Highlights of Kidz-in-Motion Conference by the excellent writers of CarSeatBlog

VisibleKIDS had an extremely productive visit and booth exhibit at the KIM Conference, held in Ft Worth, TX, on 8/26 and 8/27.   You'll see a couple of paragraphs about the VizKID, half way down the summary.   A mention is made of the original test (July'08) on 40 parents in which 50% made a habit of using the VizKID after one month (I wanted at least 20% at the time, knowing that the eventual product use would snowball as the symbol became known), and note that this was the prototype unit assembled of hard plastic off-the-shelf items, wrapped in blue athletic bandage (quite funny looking).    I hope for nothing less than 100% success when drivers utilize the current VizKID!!  (=: